Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Note from Our Newest Colleague....

By Kyla Heat
(Kyla is our newest manager at the Ferndale location of Boston Tea Room. She ca most often be found helping clients on the sales floor, or explaining complex planetary influences to Heatherleigh, who doesn't really understand astrology, but might just learn some after all, if Kyla has her way.)

Not many people have the opportunity to work at their favorite store. If they are given the chance, the allure of the place suddenly dies out as they discover the secrets of the establishment.  This is not the case with the Boston Tea Room. The shop is just as mystical from the day that I stepped inside three years ago. The only difference is that this time, I'm on the other side of the counter.

When I initially told my friends where I worked, of course they asked me what type of tea was served. Yes, we do serve complimentary tea, but that's just an added bonus for our visitors. Besides the beautiful jewelry, crystals and intuitive Readers- it's the people and experiences that make this place special.

I have always considered myself to be pretty intuitive, but since working at Boston Tea Room, I feel as if a million little sensors have triggered at once. I'm more in tune, not only with the people that come in, but with myself as well.  I'm sure you have heard the phrase a million times, actions speak louder than words, well it couldn't be more true than working here. We don't know that our bodies are already communicating with others before we realize it. Immediately, I can pick up on if someone is having a bad
day, but pretending everything is "okay" or if Cupid found another target for his arrow. The vibrations are stronger and clearer.

Not only does it help me to be able to serve the customers better, it helps me to slow down so I can become an even better friend, daughter, sister, co-worker and pay more attention to any other relationship I may experience in this life.

Next time you pass by the Boston Tea Room, stop in for a visit and say hello... there's definitely more to us than our name might suggest.